Maihiihi School

Ko Maihiihi, Ko Au - Ko Au, Ko Maihiihi

Bus Services 

Maihiihi School has two bus runs servicing it:

1. Paewhenua Run

2. Ngahape Run

All tamariki are dropped off at the gate near our school library in the mornings.

Our Paewhenua bus run tamariki meet at 2.45pm at the gate near the school library for pick up in the designated BUS BAY. Our Ngahape bus run tamariki will meet at 3.25pm.

Bus Line Information:   07 8732827

If your child is being picked up on any given day, please phone the bus line and leave a clear message stating: 

* Your child's name

*  What change you require us to implement 

* The days date (or dates if you are making multiple changes)

These messages are last checked at 2.30pm. 

The bus runs are Ministry funded and administered by Go Bus. Our bus drivers name is Cyril.  There are guidelines around bus eligibility so please check in at the office to enquire about this.

Travelling on the school bus is a privilege, not a right. For this privilege to continue, a high standard of behaviour is expected at all times. Senior pupils are appointed as Bus Monitors.


Note to caregivers – no change in provider

School bus arrangements for 2022

This year will see some minor changes to our school transport as the Ministry of Education transitions to a new contract with our current bus operators. To make sure that the start of the school year goes as smoothly as possible, please familiarise yourself with the information below.

Our friendly bus driver is still Cyril.  As always, please either stay with your children while they are waiting for their school transport in the morning or keep in contact with them to make sure that they are picked up safely.

School bus routes, timetables and bus stop information

We have two bus routes both in the morning and afternoon – the Paewhenua Bus Route and the Ngahape Bus Route.

In the afternoon our first bus leaves at 2.45pm (please DO NOT PARK in the bus bay around this time).  The second bus leaves at approx. 3.25pm.

Please contact Greg Wood on for more specific information relating to our school bus routes.

Eligibility for school transport assistance

We often get questions about whether students qualify for school transport assistance i.e., a place on a school bus.

The Ministry of Education has three criteria that students must meet in order to qualify for school transport assistance. They are:

  1. The student must attend their closest state or state-integrated school
  2. The student must live more than a certain distance from the school:
    • Years 1-8: At least 3.2 km
    • Years 9-13: At least 4.8 km
  3. There must be no suitable public transport options

The Ministry of Education has a handy video on their website that helps explains the eligibility criteria for school transport assistance.

Responsibility of caregivers

To ensure a safe environment for bus loading and unloading caregivers should:

  • not park in bus bays
  • adhere to the speed limit (20 km/h while passing a stationary school bus on either side of the road)
  • try to eliminate the need for children to cross the road
  • ensure that children get to and from the bus stop safely
  • teach children to not run across the road
  • It is caregiver’s responsibility to get their children to pick-up locations and collect them from drop-off locations
  • It is recommended to arrive at the bus stop at least 5 mins prior to pick-up/ drop-off if necessary

Please note: if you currently have a private arrangement with your bus operator, you will need to contact your bus operator to confirm that your arrangement will continue in 2022.

Helpful websites:

School transport queries

If you have any queries about our school transport, please contact either Juliette or Vanessa in the office on 07-873-2887 or via email to

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